Issue 64
As we know, photography is all about light. And some lighting situations can be more challenging than others. This is especially true where a light source behind your subject throws them into shadow. In this issue we look at how to get perfect lighting in these situations by effectively using fill flash.
Also in this issue:
- Mistakes are common in photography. In an inspiration video tutorial, check out a checklist created for you to be able to avoid the worst of them so that you don’t mess up that perfect shot.
- In our expert guide, Jo Plumridge reveals 8 things she has learned from being a professional photographer.
- We were also lucky enough to interview International Photography Awards ‘Photographer of the Year’, Alex Telfer.
- We feature a handpicked selection of our favourite photos in our Editor's Choice section.
- You'll get to learn how to colour, brighten and sharpen eyes in a great Photoshop video tutorial.
- We also showcase an incredible timelapse that captures the beauty and power of the monsoon
- And we also give you the lowdown on the world's first AI photography assistant, Arsenal.
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Far too often when we look at successful photographers we see the end product, but we don’t know what that person did to get where they are today.
Photography Masterclass Magazine empowers you to expand your photography skills and revolutionize your work. With brilliant photos, easy to follow videos and instruction from experts, thousands of photographers in 78+ countries look forward to each new issue.
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