Issue 80
There's something simple yet powerful about the Game of Thrones poster portraits. If you're a lover of the show, or even if you're not, re-creating the look of these portraits can be a lot of fun. We show you how to setup the lighting and post process the images to create your own spin-off Game of Thrones inspired portraits.
Also in this issue:
- Expert Guide: 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites Photographers Should Have On Their Bucket List.
- Editors Choice Gallery: A Handpicked Selection Of Our Favorite Photos.
- Photoshop Video Tutorial: How to Add a Colored Background to a Portrait.
- Inspiration Video: Three Simple Questions to Improve Your Photography.
- Interview: Samir Belhamra Interview | Stunningly Surreal Landscape Fine Art Images.
- Buyers Guide: Lowdown on the DollyONE.
- Readers Gallery: Your Very Best Shots Showcased
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Far too often when we look at successful photographers we see the end product, but we don’t know what that person did to get where they are today.
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