Issue 132
Discover the versatility of fairy lights in this issue of Photography Masterclass Magazine, where we explore practical techniques for photographing fairy lights,specifically within jars or lanterns. We’ll show you everything you need to know to capture the magic of fairy lights in this unique way and give you some creative ideas to experiment with.
Also in this issue:
- In our Editor's Choice section we showcase a handpicked selection of our favorite photos.
- In our expert guide, we delve into how to master light with circular polarizing filters.
- Take a deep dive into Photoshop's new AI, in a great editing video tutorial. Could this be the end of real photography?
- We interview PhilPound, a multi-award-winning wildlife photographer.
- In our Readers Gallery, we showcase the very best shots from our talented readers.
- Enjoy a beautiful timelapse through the city of Hamburg around the summer solstice.
- And don't miss our lowdown on the Canon R100 - seriously affordable but is it a serious camera?
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Far too often when we look at successful photographers we see the end product, but we don’t know what that person did to get where they are today.
Photography Masterclass Magazine empowers you to expand your photography skills and revolutionize your work. With brilliant photos, easy to follow videos and instruction from experts, thousands of photographers in 78+ countries look forward to each new issue.
It’s how they stay focused, motivated and inspired. It’s how they grow their skills and enjoy photography like never before — and you can do the same!