Issue 124
In this issue, learn how to create stunning images with a frame within a frame, a technique that can add depth and visual interest to your photographs.
Our expert photographer shares tips and tricks on how to identify and use natural or architectural elements in your composition to create a frame within a frame. You'll learn how to experiment with different angles and perspectives to create stunning images that draw the viewer's eye to the subject!
But that's not all!
Also in this issue:
- In our Editor's Choice section we showcase a handpicked selection of our favorite photos.
- Our article on "Getting Used To Working On Your Own" will help you navigate the world of solo photography.
- Our expert guide on "Where to begin with composition" will guide you through the essential elements of a well-composed photograph.
- For our readers looking to advance their editing skills, we have a video tutorial on creating pop art in Photoshop.
- In our interview with award-winning photographer Javier Rupérez, you'll discover his mind-blowing work as an extreme macro photographer.
- We have our Readers Gallery, where we showcase the very best shots from our talented readers.
- And our article on "Going Beyond CTRL+P: Why You Should Print More Photos at Home" will help you rediscover the joy of printing your photos and seeing them in physical form.
Get All This and More In A Content Packed Issue!
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Far too often when we look at successful photographers we see the end product, but we don’t know what that person did to get where they are today.
Photography Masterclass Magazine empowers you to expand your photography skills and revolutionize your work. With brilliant photos, easy to follow videos and instruction from experts, thousands of photographers in 78+ countries look forward to each new issue.
It’s how they stay focused, motivated and inspired. It’s how they grow their skills and enjoy photography like never before — and you can do the same!